Saturday, July 9, 2011

Loverly List

I've found lots of inspiration lately and here's some of my favorites in this loverly list...

1. Dying just the tip.  So non-commital and so cool.  Not sure if I'd ever do it never know.
Screen shot 2011-07-09 at 2.22.15 PM

2.  The Sportsmobile.  While at the beach today I spotted one and looked it up on my phone.  I totally want one.  Jimmy Buffett has one too.

3.  This budget kitchen makeover.  It makes me want to play around in my own little food workshop.

4.  I want to visit this Phoenix swimwear shop.  I love looking at all the hip surfer chick styles at places like Hansen's but I think this hometown spot will help me fit my womanly body a bit better and supporting local is always a good idea.

5.  Pretty Mommy had such a great idea.  I feel the same as her so often about not getting dressed properly as a mom and I love her honesty, motivation and style.

6.  I want an entry with roses like this to greet me.  Remember that chair?

7.  I enjoyed The Daybook's entry on the small town movie theater with couches in the back, perfect for secret make-out sessions with your love.

8.  Pacing the Panic Room's post on Fart Salad was so honest and real and I totally connected with it.   Sorry, no picture of the salad here.

10.  These vintage photos are so fun to flip through.  It really looks like such a different universe than the one we live in today.

Feeling lucky

My son enjoying the fruits of his (and his dad's) labor today in Cardiff-by-the-sea.  The sandcastle.

My 2 kids and I have been in Carlsbad for a week and a half and so far it's been Legoland one day, beach the next, Legoland, beach...and so on.  

We've been lucky to have dear friends come to San Diego at the same time to help me take the kids to Legoland and let Patrick tag along on rides with them as well as help watch my 1 year old (especially at nap time).  

We've been so lucky to have family in San Diego to take us in for such a long trip out of the heat.  

We've been so lucky to have Sean come out to see us twice already and he'll come out a third time in 2 weeks to come take us home.  

My littlest unfortunately got a stomach flu which caused us to be on the couch for the most of the first week here but we're lucky that she's rallied and feeling great.

We're lucky that the kids are such water lovers.  I am one too and I really enjoy watching them play at the beach and splash, build things in the sand and explore the tidepools.

I've been able to work while here (I suppose I could work from anywhere since I'm able to do most of it from home).

Our friends' son has had some unfortunate health problems recently and we're lucky to know that he's had successful treatments (so far) and we are sending them all our love.

What are you feeling lucky for these days?
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